Lean content marketing
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Resources, tools, tips, and tricks for the most efficient use of content with the minimum use of resources.
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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
July 28, 2016 9:02 AM

#LeanContent became a blog!

#LeanContent became a blog! | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

The Lean Cotent Marketing Blog: How to get more return on investment from content

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Thanks for visiting! We started #LeanContent as a meetup group and soon after this topic page to share best practices, tips and strategies to get more done from content marketing when you had limited resources. 


Our community has been so inspiring that we decided to make it a full-blown blog and to rebrand our Scoop.it blog "the lean content marketing blog". 


Click through to read best practices, data-driven recommendations, case studies and more actionable tips on the lean content marketing blog.

StraitsPodiatry22's comment, May 16, 2023 2:56 AM
StraitsPodiatry22's comment, May 16, 2023 2:56 AM
StraitsPodiatry22's comment, May 16, 2023 2:56 AM
Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
August 26, 2015 11:00 AM

Lean and Mean: How to Scale Your Content Marketing Plan

Lean and Mean: How to Scale Your Content Marketing Plan | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Content is the fuel of marketing. But delivering enough content to generate consistent results is hard. Lean Content Marketing is a set of strategies and best practices that help resource-constrained marketers achieve ROI from their content efforts. Learn...
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

This is a webinar BrightTalk asked me to present last week on how to tackle the main obstacle of modern marketers: developing content.

Some say content is the fuel of marketing but as it became so pervasive in all marketing activities, it also became the bottleneck. At Scoop.it, we developed a framework alongside top content marketing influencers to reach ROI with content and that we called lean content marketing. In this webinar, I presented some of the key lean content marketing strategies.

JiuJitsuStreet's comment, May 5, 2021 1:30 AM
Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
June 4, 2015 4:04 PM

Lean Marketing Will Change Marketing Forever

Lean Marketing Will Change Marketing Forever | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Have you heard of “Lean Startup” or “Lean Innovation”? Well, then it is time to adapt the concept to lean marketing.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Interesting to see others look at marketing the same way we do: the lean methodology spearheaded by Steve Blank and Eric Ries for startups clearly is expanding beyond entrepreneurship. It's particularly well suited to areas which are not hard sciences and where the cost of failure can be high. 

Content Marketing is a particular area of marketing which needs to be made lean by necessity for many companies. Limited resources, limited time and increasing objectives means you have to find ways to make things efficient and get ROI.

Is your marketing lean?

Here's our guide to do so for content. 

Craig Stark's curator insight, June 5, 2015 12:18 PM

Worth a read.

Juan Miguel Galeas's curator insight, June 5, 2015 7:58 PM

La siguiente evolución del marketing "Lean Marketing", aplicando los principios de Lean Innovation y Lean Startup al marketing cambiará la forma de la profesión para siempre.


#gjc @galeasjupiter www.galeasjupiterconsulting.com


Jeff Domansky's curator insight, October 16, 2016 12:18 PM

Applying lean startup methods to marketing makes a lot of sense.

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
March 18, 2015 1:13 PM

The Repurposed Guide To Repurposing Content

The Repurposed Guide To Repurposing Content | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Megan Marrs has 11 interesting best practices and ideas on how to repurpose content efficiently in this great post which made me want to elaborate on this topic.

So here’s the take of several other content marketing experts on the value of repurposing content, a cheat sheet that summarizes key ideas to repurpose content (Megan’s 11 plus 4 others I added) as well as the ROI analysis of two of our own experiment with content repurposing.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Repurposing is a key strategy of the lean content marketing methodology

Are you leveraging it to its full extent? 

Here's a chart I put together to compile some ideas from various sources including 15 top marketing experts who contributed to the Lean Content Marketing Handbook for SMBs.

Dean Ryan G. Martin's curator insight, April 6, 2015 12:20 AM

To go viral, repurposing a content is all you need to do.

Christopher Jan Benitez's curator insight, August 8, 2015 3:34 AM

Repurposing is a key strategy of the lean content marketing methodology

Are you leveraging it to its full extent? 

Here's a chart I put together to compile some ideas from various sources including 15 top marketing experts who contributed to the Lean Content Marketing Handbook for SMBs.

Scooped by Ally Greer
February 10, 2015 1:35 PM

How to leverage analytics to create great content

How to leverage analytics to create great content | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

It’s 5:02 a.m. on Friday as I am writing this. The dog is on the floor licking…something (he likes to lick a lot!) and my wife is asleep beside me in bed.
The last 10 minutes have gone something like this:
• What’s happening on Twitter? Boring.
• How about Facebook? Someone else got engaged. Yay for them.
• Any new emails? Delete. Delete. Inbox Zero!
• Hmm…

Ally Greer's insight:

We've all been where Bryan Harris was when he wrote the above introduction to this post. As bloggers or content marketers, we always hear that voice in the back of our heads. 

When are you going to just sit down and write that post? What are you even going to write about? How are you going to actually make an impact with the finished product?

This post validates one of the core values of Lean Content Marketing: leveraging existing information and communities that you already have access to to enhance your content marketing efforts.

Bryan goes on to describe his newfound writing process. He checks the analytics of his most recent tweets, finds the ones with the most clicks, then turns the central idea behind each one into a question that he can answer in the form of a blogpost.

Another method that Bryan mentions is checking Quora for someone already having asked the question you want to ask to get more insight into what knowledge you can provide. After all, one of the goals of content marketing is to teach your current and future clients the things that they want to know that you already do know.

One way to inspire content creation that I would add is to experiment with content curation. Curator @Martin (Marty) Smith has been utilizing this method from day one. He created a process to inform his content creation that involves curating a post on a similar topic to his website's content hub, checking the analytics of that post, and then deciding whether or not his audience has a high enough interest in that topic to write his own post about it.

With the new analytics on Scoop.it, you can generate reports involving metrics such as audience engagement, views, shares, time of day at which the most views were generated, and more. When a piece of curated content has a high success rate, perhaps it's time to expand on that for your audience and provide the value that only you can provide by creating an original post of your own.

Pat Heffernan's curator insight, February 10, 2015 6:19 PM

Practical and useful insight.

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
December 11, 2014 3:09 PM

6 Experts Define Effective Content Marketing Strategies In 3 Words

6 Experts Define Effective Content Marketing Strategies In 3 Words | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
6 experts give their thoughts on an effective content marketing strategy in 3 words.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Content Marketing can be defined in a pretty lean way: 3 words is not a lot... But behind these definitions, I like the patterns that come out: 

- First, the type of content: useful, educational, actionable... Content needs to have value. 

- Second, the notion that content marketing is becoming more and more an iterative process is highlighted by Joe Pulizzi of the Content Marketing Institute. Something we've defined as a core component of the lean content methodology.

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Suggested by Brian Fanzo
December 10, 2014 12:08 PM

6 Ways To Filter The Internet To Find Valuable Content

Content is King! Content is also EVERYWHERE... In your face with emails.. In your social streams, sponsored updates, every new app claims to be a "news feed" but nobody has the time needed to read and sort through EVERY blog post!

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

We're all like @Brian Fanzo running out of time and trying to have more impact. These are great ways to save time on content sourcing which should help:

- your social media efforts by finding content to engage your audience,

- your content marketing efforts through value-adding content curation,

- your content creation efforts by informing your creative process (hint: you should write what these tools don't find as nobody wrote it yet).

Bonus benefit: if you start sharing with your team, it will also ensure everybody's more aligned and in sync with your industry. 

bkernus's curator insight, December 13, 2014 11:16 PM

Good tools can help deal with the overwhelm in content management. I find it helps to capture content at the point when you read. If not, it is typically lost forever in the fast moving internet.

malek's curator insight, December 15, 2014 4:58 PM

slide 9 is a real climax: use the tools with @IFTT , @pocket and add graphics from @canva. Share and schedule with @Buffer

Nedko Aldev's curator insight, February 4, 2015 3:10 PM

add your insight...

Rescooped by Guillaume Decugis from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
November 10, 2014 11:43 AM

How to Create Awesome Infographics Without Being a Designer

How to Create Awesome Infographics Without Being a Designer | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

In this blog post, I’m going to introduce you to three awesome tools to create the best infographics, tell you how to use them AND how you can share your infographics in different channels all over the web. So, let’s get started!

Via Jeff Domansky
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

We've tried Piktochart ourselves and it's a really neat tool for that purpose: intuitive and without much to learn, it takes a limited amount of time to deliver something good enough to share. A good series of lean content tools. 

Gust MEES's curator insight, December 31, 2014 9:51 AM

If you’re anything like me, you learned how to use programs like Photoshop and Gimp out of necessity to do minor changes to photos. You might have even dabbled in some easier graphic design projects for your own website, but it takes you hours to get the image or the design looking just right and you’re left exhausted. You might even spend time looking up tutorials on how to achieve a certain effect and still have trouble re-creating it.

In short, while you do know your way around the programs like Photoshop to a certain extent, it takes you forever and there’s absolutely no way you’d call yourself a graphic designer. But then, you’re surfing around the web and you noticed some really cool infographics on things like fashion, music and food and you can’t help but wish that you could create something like that; even if it’d take you a week....

Learn more:


Michelle Gilstrap's curator insight, December 31, 2014 4:02 PM

Always good to have a way to create good designs.

Nedko Aldev's curator insight, February 4, 2015 3:11 PM

add your insight...

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
November 5, 2014 2:06 PM

10 ways to Repurpose Content for more efficient Content Marketing

Want to see how we repurposed THIS content? Learn more at http://www.lean-labs.com/repurpose-content If you create fresh content for every channel you market i…
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Lots of great tips in that efficient and short presentation. Practical and accessible: you could put some of these tips in practice this week. 

yorkecomm's comment, December 1, 2014 5:49 AM
Here is a ebook on Re-purposing Content: http://campaigns.yorkecommunications.com/ebook-repurposing-content
Rescooped by Guillaume Decugis from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
October 29, 2014 11:01 AM

10 x 10-Minute Content Marketing Miracles

10 x 10-Minute Content Marketing Miracles | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Created with Haiku Deck, free presentation software that’s simple, beautiful, and fun.

Via Jeff Domansky
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

A great list of Lean Content ideas as a quick and easy to scan deck. 

2 take-aways from this:

1. Creating content is not always as hard as it seems, ie it doesn't have to be Pulitzer-prize-winning material (at least not always).

2. Leveraging existing content is a must: either by repurposing your own content or curating other people's.

Jeff Domansky's curator insight, October 27, 2014 10:12 AM
Fast read and creative demonstration of Haiku Deck, a powerful, free presentation tool.
Marco Favero's curator insight, October 27, 2014 10:27 AM

aggiungi la tua intuizione ...

Nedko Aldev's curator insight, February 4, 2015 3:12 PM

add your insight...

Scooped by Ally Greer
October 6, 2014 7:05 PM

10 Content Creation Tools For The Marketing Team Of One

10 Content Creation Tools For The Marketing Team Of One | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

SometimesDoes it feel like you’re working a 25 hour day yet you’re still drowning in the ocean that is online marketing? As a Marketing Team of One you need to perform the same tasks that any u…

Ally Greer's insight:

Not everyone is lucky enough to work with a huge team of marketers, and those people also happen to not be lucky enough to get more hours added to their day! 

This list contains some great tools to keep your content marketing lean when you're working with limited resources. My personal favorite is Canva. I love using that to create quick & dirty graphics. 

I'd also add Skitch & Trello. Skitch is a great screenshotting tool that you can install for Mac and use to mark up images with arrows, text, circles, etc. Trello is  another one that I can't live without. I'm on a content marketing team of two and we use Trello to manage our strategy in a lean way; keeping track of ideas, what's in progress, and what's been completed.


If you're an SMB or part of a #leancontent marketing team, join us on Facebook to talk content strategy with a lean mindset.

If you're a marketer looking for an easy way to discover content, share it on social media, and publish it to your website, get a demo of Scoop.it today.

Nedko Aldev's curator insight, February 4, 2015 3:12 PM

add your insight...

Brandanew's curator insight, August 3, 2015 5:16 AM

Not everyone is lucky enough to work with a huge team of marketers, and those people also happen to not be lucky enough to get more hours added to their day! 

This list contains some great tools to keep your content marketing lean when you're working with limited resources. My personal favorite is Canva. I love using that to create quick & dirty graphics. 

I'd also add Skitch & Trello. Skitch is a great screenshotting tool that you can install for Mac and use to mark up images with arrows, text, circles, etc. Trello is  another one that I can't live without. I'm on a content marketing team of two and we use Trello to manage our strategy in a lean way; keeping track of ideas, what's in progress, and what's been completed.


If you're an SMB or part of a #leancontent marketing team, join us on Facebook to talk content strategy with a lean mindset.

If you're a marketer looking for an easy way to discover content, share it on social media, and publish it to your website, get a demo of Scoop.it today.

Scooped by Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com
September 10, 2014 8:17 AM

Feeding Your Audience The Real Thing: Nutritious Content #leancontent

Feeding Your Audience The Real Thing: Nutritious Content #leancontent | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

When visitors come to your website, what exactly are you feeding them? Have you ever stopped to think about it? Is your copy like a greasy burger and fries that you didnt put much thought into picking up, or more like a lovingly prepared home cooked Sunday supper with all of the trimmings?

Why the food comparison? Well, its actually quite logical. Your web copy provides your visitors with the information that they need to decide whether or not they want to purchase your goods or services. So in essence, your copy is food for their buying decision. The question is, do they leave your website properly satiated or will they find themselves hungry for something more substantial mere moments later?

The best way to ensure that your content provides readers with the information that they need to pick up that phone or submit your online form is to supply your cooks (aka your writers) with fresh, nutrient-dense ingredients. Truly nutritious content should have your fingerprints all over it. It should be redolent with your unique brand voice, toothsome with hearty information, and it should linger in their minds like a fine wine on the palate. If you want to convince them and convert them it is essential to offer something more than fast food copy.

Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com's insight:

Great article to help you with your lean content marketing strategy.  

Do you serve leftovers?
You should

Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com's curator insight, September 10, 2014 10:38 AM
Great article to help you with your lean content marketing strategy.  

Do you serve leftovers? 
You should!

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
August 28, 2014 11:08 AM

Can you afford to have a content strategy that isn't lean?

Can you afford to have a content strategy that isn't lean? | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

"As content marketing has become a vital strategy for brands and agencies, the need to measure the success of that content has grown as well.  An Aberdeen Group report revealed that the most effective content marketers are also those most likely to measure."

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

This report by the Aberdeen Group highlights the need to measure results as a key success factor in content marketing.

Beyond this key findings - companies which measure tend to do better - there are interesting numbers as those in the above chart. The companies surveyed in this report had a customer acquisition cost of $20-$30,000. 

Does this feel a lot to you?

Well, if you're a leading Enterprise software company with an average deal value in hundreds of thousands or millions, it makes perfect sense. But for the vast majority of small and mid-sized companies, this is a lot because what they sell is the hundreds or at best thousands of dollars. 

So what I'm getting from this data is that SMBs need to work in a leaner way:

- first by measuring (I agree with the data on that)

- second by optimizing their conversions all through the funnel (237-350 marketing responses to close a deal is not lean at all): focus on the topics and the questions your potential customers are interested in.

- but perhaps more importantly by reducing your content costs through lean content tools and techniques: introducing content curation in the mix is a great way to do that with a cost per piece of content published 7x to 10x lower.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
September 30, 2015 11:17 AM

4 ways content curation helps blogging more efficiently

4 ways content curation helps blogging more efficiently | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Whether you’re brand new to blogging or are an experienced blogger who’s struggling to find the time to keep up with your schedule — content curation can help.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Some people have opposed content creation and content curation, the truth is the latter helps the former. While there's no denying that good original content can go a long way, curated blog posts under any of the 4 types described in this article are much easier and faster to produce and can be as educational - and therefore as successful - for your audience. 

Mike Bertelsen's curator insight, January 23, 2016 8:23 AM

good tips for blogging content.

JiuJitsuStreet's comment, May 5, 2021 1:29 AM
Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
July 17, 2015 10:54 AM

Tips for Lean Content Marketing Teams

Tips for Lean Content Marketing Teams | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
How do the best content marketers do it all? The truth is they don't. Learn the secret to building a lean content marketing team that's efficient and scalable.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

The keyword to scaling when you're resource-constrained is: leverage. 

When we started discussing lean content marketing techniques, it was clear that leveraging other resources and other audiences (influencers) was key.

Since then, we've also found that leveraging other people's content, which is what content curation is - in a win-win and good way - is all about. 

The other part of the ROI equation for small teams is around amplification: reducing your own investment in content or doing more with less is good but amplifying results is also important.

To build on that, check out the top lean content marketing practices we've compiled from top content marketing influencers.  

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
May 15, 2015 6:49 PM

What success to expect and measure from your guest blog

What success to expect and measure from your guest blog | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Guest blogging is one of the most effective and widely used methods for gaining exposure via sites other than yours, and it is one of the least expensive ways to gain access to new audiences, increase traffic to your website, and help create a brand for yourself.But measuring the effectiveness of a guest-posting campaign is where most people go wrong.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

There are a lot of bad reasons to do guest blogging - including bad and outdated SEO tactics that no longer work - but there are also very good reasons to do so which is why it's one of the lean content marketing best practices.

While measuring the impact of guest blogging remains ambitious in my opinion, this post frames what to expect when doing proper guest blogging: more visibility, more distribution. I find however that #5 - lead generation - is a stretch and I wouldn't recommend to guest blog to generate leads. Yes, a good guest post will send some traffic to your site (but maybe not as much as you expect) and some of it might convert if your site is optimized for that. But it's a long shot.

Another reason which is more valid in my experience to justify guest blogging is to expect thought leadership development by contributing to well established blogs in your industry. The association of your brand with an established one acts as endorsement and will add credibility to your next pieces and your blog.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
March 9, 2015 5:26 PM

Are you making any of these 8 content marketing mistakes?

Are you making any of these 8 content marketing mistakes? | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

There are many misconceptions about how companies are “supposed” to implement content marketing. And in a perfect world, with a hefty marketing budget and infinite resources, all of us would execute content marketing the “right” way. Unfortunately, that often isn’t the case.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

Or I would say: fortunately. 

Because if you believe some of the gurus of content marketing, it might look much harder than you think.

Vertical Measure's Arnie Kuenn makes a great job at debunking 8 common mistakes or myths which are often believed about content marketing. 

A great post showing how content marketing can - and for many SMBs should - be lean. 

Marco Favero's curator insight, March 10, 2015 2:55 AM

aggiungi la tua intuizione ...

Dean Ryan G. Martin's curator insight, March 11, 2015 4:57 AM

"Mistake #5: Content Has To Be Perfect & Long" I agree. A 140-character tweet is a content. It's probably the shortest content but believe it, it can still attract attention - especially if it contains a link and photo. 

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
January 21, 2015 5:38 AM

Yet Another Case for Content Curation

Yet Another Case for Content Curation | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Because we did so much curation (more like 90/10), we were able to develop a brand identity based solely on the information we were sharing.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

A great case study by Tracey Parsons from Social Media Explorer who's also has a startup going and describes how content curation was essential to developing its brand and its voice. 

Beyond building the brand, she found content curation is not only very helpful to avoid being self promotional but also brings tangible business and perception benefits. 

To build on her case, you can check our own study on the ROI of content curation for SMBs which results correlate nicely what she writes about: http://business.scoop.it/content-curation-roi/ 

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Scooped by Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com
December 11, 2014 12:20 PM

Creating Compelling Web Content With Curation

Creating Compelling Web Content With Curation | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
When it comes to customer connection and engaging your audience, every brand is faced with one key question: Where does my content come from? Content comes in many forms, and it is the driving force behind generating leads and engagement online. Finding content on its own can be a challenge for any business leader: going beyond that and finding content that compels and converts can make any marketer scratch their head.

Isn’t it funny how the Internet is jam-packed with content, yet coming up with content on your own feels like a hike up a huge mountain? How do these companies crank out unbelievably engaging content week after week without skipping a beat? What do they have that you don’t?
Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com's insight:

Great article by @JuliaEMcCoy with a ton of helpful tips on content curating using a tool like Scoop.it followed by content auditing. I like how Julia covers what next after content curation.

Here is a snippet of the what's next.

So, You Have Your Awesome Content Ready To Go: Now What?

"Thanks to your tools of the trade for content curation, now you have a good bit of content to share and ideas building in the back of your head. Once you have all of your content in front of you, the next logical step is to create an editorial calendar to keep yourself on track.

Content editorial calendars are useful to organize your content, blog topics, and social sharing schedules. Instead of randomly selecting days and times to post your new content, using a content calendar will help give your strategy structure. Editorial calendars keep you focused, and they offer a platform where you can monitor and measure your results.

If you are serious about making your content marketing quest a success, it is a smart move to develop a template for your needs and stick to it. You will find your content marketing and development will run a lot smoother, and hopefully it will help keep fresh ideas flowing for your audience.

As those ideas to continue to flow, you will build up quite a content base overtime. Your collection of content will continue to grow, and eventually there will come a time where this content will need reviewed for performance purposes; this is known as a content audit."

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
November 25, 2014 10:55 AM

3 Things Any Startup Must Do To Bootstrap Their Content And Inbound Marketing

3 Things Any Startup Must Do To Bootstrap Their Content And Inbound Marketing | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Entrepreneurs can now manage their own media voice, Scoop.it's CEO says. Here's how!
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

This is a post I wrote for LeWeb's blog as their major event is coming to Paris which will be the opportunity for a lot of entrepreneurs to reflect on how to make it big. 

For startups in particular but also SMBs in general, opportunities now exist to step up and be heard that didn't exist before unless you had deep pockets. 

Lean Content practices can help you become your own media on a budget and here's my take on the 3 things any startup or SMBs should consider for their content / inbound strategy.

Scooped by Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com
October 25, 2014 2:44 PM

Daily 18-Minute Social Media Plan For Small Businesses by @OlsySpeak

Daily 18-Minute Social Media Plan For Small Businesses by @OlsySpeak | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
At first, spending under half an hour on managing social media may sound like a tall order, especially considering that an average user spends approximately 3 hours on social media per day. Before you commit to the new schedule, analyze your current one: which social media network do you visit first? Do you go through the same steps for each network every time, or prioritize your actions on the spot?

Another important consideration before you create your speedy social media management plan is what social networks your business needs to be on. Time equals money, especially for a small business—each minute wasted on a social network your audience doesn’t frequent is a minute you could spend interacting with your current and potential customers on a different channel. In the sample plan, we will go over the 5 major networks—Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and Instagram—and steps you can follow with each one.

Instead of dividing your plan by network, we’ve divided it by blocks dedicated to an important social business activity. You may go over the 18-minute mark in the first few tries as you adjust to the new rhythm; but once you familiarize yourself with the routine, you will never waste a minute on extraneous social media activity again. Become a social media management rockstar with this 18-minute-a-day social media plan for small businesses.
Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com's insight:

This article by Olsy Sorokina @HootSuite shares many great tips to help you with your lean content strategy and save you time with social media.

Using the combination of content curation power of Scoop.it and the social networking power of Hootsuite you can move from sharing to engagement and lead generation with a few easy steps. 

Already have HootSuite account you can integrate Scoop.it within the HootSuite App Directory

Don't know what to share here is a tip from the article.

On Facebook, choose storytelling, visually rich messaging. Limit your posts to 1-2 a day.
On Twitter, if you schedule Tweets, make sure to space them out, to avoid being perceived as “spamming” your audience. Include Tweets with different formats—photo, video, different placement of the links—to test which ones perform best. If you are sharing content from an external source, include the appropriate hashtags and @mentions.
On LinkedIn, share content with a more serious tone, oriented to a professional audience, through LinkedIn’s publishing platform.
On Google+, share any news from your business, as well as external content relevant to your business, your field, or may otherwise be interesting to people in your Circles.
On Instagram, plan photo content to complement social media messaging on your other, less visual channels. If you have a campaign or a product release coming up, schedule a photo to spread awareness among a bigger audience. Instagram also presents a great opportunity to give your customers an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at your business and the people who run it.

Denise Gabbard's curator insight, October 25, 2014 7:51 PM

So many social networks-- so little time-- some good tips to lessen the time commitment but still get effective results. 

Rhonda White's curator insight, October 26, 2014 9:10 AM

A good reason to determine which social media networks are best for your business:


"Time equals money, especially for a small business—each minute wasted on a social network your audience doesn’t frequent is a minute you could spend interacting with your current and potential customers on a different channel."

Procom-europ_RP's curator insight, November 8, 2014 1:08 PM

Before you create your speedy social media management plan  considers what social networks your business needs to be on. For a small business—each minute wasted on a social network your audience doesn’t frequent is a minute you could spend interacting with your current and potential customers on a different channel

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
October 30, 2014 4:50 PM

Are you thinking of your content as Lego building blocks?

Are you thinking of your content as Lego building blocks? | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
There are many content types and tactics for content marketing. Each has it's place. Each offers unique benefits. Creating original content on an ongoing
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

As a kid my favorite game was to play Lego and build, deconstruct and rebuild stuff (spaceships mostly: I'm a geek...). As a father, I've been fascinated to see that construction game becoming my kids' favorite too and see what they came out with in terms of new ideas to build. 

Are you thinking of your content as modular with lego-type building blocks?

Leed Odden says you should because you'll then be able to turn mico-content into eBooks and then blog posts, newsletters, etc... And vice versa. 

Rebecca Lieb of the Altimeter group came out with the turkey leftover analogy to explain how you could turn epic content such as an ebook or a white paper into many other pieces of content with only marginal additional work. It's interesting to complement that with the opposite approach and plan your micro-content so that it can fit into something bigger. 

As Lee Odden points out, content curation plays an important role if you want to pursue this strategy: "Curation of micro-content is easy, provides useful information to your target audience".

And because of the many benefits he describes with social and SEO, by assembling your Lego content blocks into an awesome content spaceship, you might realize that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 14, 2014 5:11 PM

How to Repurpose Video Content Marketing Ideas for Brand Awareness

How to Repurpose Video Content Marketing Ideas for Brand Awareness | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Video content marketing can be expensive, but there are clear ways to repurpose content to achieve a variety of brand goals. Get three ideas here.
Ally Greer's insight:

Use existing resources & apps to make the most out of video marketing to meet the number one goal of video marketers: brand awareness.

Brian Fanzo's curator insight, October 15, 2014 12:10 PM

Big fan of video... great share Ally! 

Kinq p's curator insight, October 2, 2019 2:05 AM

How to Repurpose Video Content Marketing Ideas for Brand Awareness

Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
September 29, 2014 11:03 AM

Participation Marketing for Content @ Scale: The Future of B2B Marketing

31 predictions on the future of B2B marketing from speakers at the MarketingProfs B2B Forum in 2014.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

You can't say Lee Odden doesn't practice what he preaches.

In this compilation of perspectives for the future of B2B Marketing, he curated views from dozens of influencers on what they felt the future would bring. And he of course added his own insight on slide 36 which is very interesting because you get that the concept of the whole slideshare is precisely that: Participation Marketing. 

His point is that content marketing works as it gets B2B buyers through 60-90% of the sales cycle before they even call sales. 

The problem then?

Scaling it.

What he offers as a framework to scale this is Participation Marketing which means involving not only influencers or guest contributors but also current customers and your target audience in your content creation process. 

A great example of that is what the University of San Francisco did to leverage its community of faculty and students to help their own marketing efforts.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
September 9, 2014 8:23 PM

Online media is made of clicks.

Online media is made of clicks. | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

 on the evoluNewsroom ethnographer Angèle Christin studied digital publications in France and the U.S. in order to compare how performance metrics influence culture.

Ally Greer's insight:

Great read on the evolution of journalists from those in the 60s who were concerned mostly with the opinions of their colleagues to those today who sit in front of monitors and watch real time analytics.

The results of the study mentioned here are also pretty interesting for marketing as brands are increasingly adopting the "publisher" mindset.

Staying on top of analytics on a consistent basis is one of the most important parts of becoming a brand publisher and ensuring you're doing the right thing to meet your objectives.

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