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Suggested by Guillaume Decugis
October 30, 2012 1:07 AM

Transform Your Website Into a Customer Attraction Force Field with Magnetic Content | SlideShare Blog

Transform Your Website Into a Customer Attraction Force Field with Magnetic Content | SlideShare Blog | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

arry Feldman has a point. 

Advertising no longer rules; search rules. Quoting Mitch Joel, author of Six Pixels of Separation, Feldman reiterates that "Your brand is not what you say it is… It’s what Google says it is." He also stresses a few other things that "rule" today's marketing world:

  • Digital rules
  • Immediate gratification rules
  • Relationships rule
  • Social media rules
  • Content rules

The hard part about keeping up with this is the marketing. You can't "interrupt people with stuff they don't want." You need to create expert content to give meaning to your brand.

"The easy part is the technology. I want to share this incredible piece of research I recently found about 100 top tools for learning and teaching (otherwise known as content marketing). My favorites on the list (in no particular order) include Slideshare, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Hootsuite, Scoop.it, Google, and of course, WordPress."

Check out his slideshare presentation on the 7 steps to creating magnetic content in this great blogpost.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 26, 2012 9:06 PM

Content Marketing: The Importance of Being an Expert

Content Marketing: The Importance of Being an Expert | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

From exploreB2B:

When creating ‘expert’ content in social media, you must communicate what you provide and know, in a way that gives your audience access to new and useful information. People will trust your expertise - and respect your humility - when you exhibit qualification through demonstration and communication.

One way to help spread your information is to allow your personality to infuse your content. Remember tone and visual elements help make you unique; they might even be the decisive factor that influences others to work with you. Most of us prefer to do business with those who elicit a positive attitude, represent a strong work ethic... and who provide enthusiasm about all things in general.

The sum of your content will eventually create an extensive profile that shows your expertise and offers a glimpse of who you are as a person - where you invest your energy, your findings, opinions and motivations. This culmination, if done correctly, will respresent your expertise,  inspire others to seek your knowledge, and create lucrative interactions. 

Being an expert is what all content marketers strive for. Once we can build an authority on a topic, we can easily gain the trust of exponentially growing audiences and generate leads and businesses for our brands. 

The problem comes along, though, when you're starting out. How can you become an expert if no one knows who you are? It's easy for Michelle Obama to become an expert on childhood obesity or for Sir Richard Bransom to establish his expertise as an entrepreneur; they're well known and have everything they need at their fingertips.

When looking for experts on subjects, people don't search for people who they don't know - they search for these topics. That's where a topic-centric curation model comes into play. When establishing your expertise, you aren't only writing your own content, but probably sharing lots of content with added commentary as well. Once you begin curating content on your expertise in a place where it's all organized together and indexed in Google, you will be discovered by the content that you share. When your readers follow links to your shared content, they will not be led to other sites, but right back to you. Slowly but surely, you will develop a beautiful portfolio of your point of view and insight into the topic that you've always been good at but never been able to demonstrate.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 26, 2012 8:30 PM

Content Marketing Success | SlideShare

Content Marketing Success | SlideShare | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

SlideShare could be called the "YouTube of Presentations." 

This up-and-coming tool, according to Roger C Parker, is "more than just a way to share your presentations online; it can be a powerful content marketing tool that can turbocharge all of your publishing endeavors."

Using SlideShare to host your presetations online is a great way to get your content out there and spread your message visually to your followers and possible clients.

This article has some great tips on each step of the process of using SlideShare, from planning and creating your presentation, to promoting it and using it to get business.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 26, 2012 12:12 AM

7 Content Curation Tips For Personal Branding Success

7 Content Curation Tips For Personal Branding Success | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Roger C. Parker writes 7 tips to keep your content curation fresh and interesting and prevent your readers from becoming bored and tired out.

It's important for your content to have purpose, relevance, contain an element of serendipity that allows your readers to discover new cotent, have an added level of value, be engaging, and meet a happy medium between scarce and consistent.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 19, 2012 8:29 PM

8 Great Linkbait Headlines Anyone Can Use

8 Great Linkbait Headlines Anyone Can Use | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

From Roots Web Solutions:

The most considerable and perhaps the most difficult part of website optimisation is building back-links to your site. One of the best ways you can build lots of links is by producing great quality content that may potentially go viral.

by Chris Dyson

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 18, 2012 1:03 PM

Becoming a Thought Leader: A Digital Marketing Firm’s Path to Success

Becoming a Thought Leader: A Digital Marketing Firm’s Path to Success | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Ayantek, a full-service digital marketing firm offering innovative web, mobile, search, and social media solutions to some of New England\'s largest companies, has a vision that probably sounds pretty familiar to most marketing agencies.

By fully integrating their Scoop.it pages into their website, Ayantek has successfully added their curated content to their content marketing mix.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 16, 2012 8:31 PM

4 Keys To A Killer Seasonal Content Strategy

4 Keys To A Killer Seasonal Content Strategy | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Chris Winfield Co-Founder and CMO of BlueGlass Interactive, an Internet Marketing agency, stresses the importance of making your content relevant to the time of year at which you're providing it.

I think that this is one of the easiest ways to find inspiration for content marketing that most people overlook. Winfield addresses the concern of having "evergreen content," which works all of the time, no matter what. This sentiment is understandable, but I think that if you're creating this type of content it's less likely to be shared or valued as much as content that's relevant to something that's occurring right now.

Though it might take more time, it's important to find out what "National Day" it is (sort of), or to think about what's going on in the world that relates to your company when creating new content.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 16, 2012 7:25 PM

Content Marketing The #1 Driver Of Leads For B2B Marketers - Forbes

Content Marketing The #1 Driver Of Leads For B2B Marketers - Forbes | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

A recent survey by B2B Magazine found that 51% of marketing professionals view content marketing as being the most important tool for generating leads. The study showed a 100% increase from last year in marketers who said they would be "very or fully" engaged in content marketing by next year.

Although social media was the top-ranked method for content marketing, though, it was one of the lowest-ranked measures of content marketing success. If social media is so important for content marketing (something that everyone and their mother is telling us these days), then why don't we use it to measure our success? 

This is possibly beacuse it's just hard to measure. Social media goals differ by the person and are usually hard to measure across many platforms. With all the tools out there, though, there is something wrong with this.

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Suggested by Scoop.it
October 10, 2012 1:35 PM

Glenn and Street Characters' climb to the top of SEO Rankings with Curation

Glenn and Street Characters' climb to the top of SEO Rankings with Curation | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Glenn Street's main goal when he first joined Scoop.it was to find a way to improve his SEO. He had been researching ways to do so, and learned that the more often you update your website with new and interesting content, the better your rankings are. 

The Mascots.com website hadn't been updated in quite some time, and he knew that it would take a lot of time and work to begin updating it and continue doing so on a regular basis. Finding relevant and entertaining content via curation as well as hosting their Scoop.it page on their website has helped Street Characters move up drastically in rankings. According to Glenn, most Street Chracters' new clients come from prospective customers searching for "mascots" or a related term and coming across their page.

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Rescooped by Ally Greer from Latest Social Media News
October 4, 2012 12:42 PM

Is Content Marketing The New Advertising? | B2B Marketing Insider

Is Content Marketing The New Advertising? | B2B Marketing Insider | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

When I ask people what they think marketers do or what is marketing, they almost always say that marketing is some form of advertising or promotion.


We all learned the “4 Ps” (Product, Promotion, Price and Place for those who don’t remember.) So we know that there is more to marketing than just promotion. But even this traditional definition is under attack. Traditional advertising and branding are under attack.


In this recent post from Copyblogger, Frank Strong makes a great case for why content marketing is the new branding.


I agree with his case and would add that content marketing is the new advertising. I have even said that all marketing is content. And soon, content marketing will become all marketing if it hasn’t already.


According to Frank, Branding is more than a logo or a tagline. Branding exists in the minds of consumers as a perception. And all the company assets support or extend existing notions or expectations. Great companies, then exceed these expectations with the experiences they deliver with their product of service.


Frank goes on to explain that “the essence of a brand lies within its meaning. And words have meaning. Words matter.” You can see where he’s going, right? It’s the content that supports the brand promise. And it’s not just your content. More importantly it is “what other people say about you” that matters most.


Great content and engaging stories help your company’s content get found and get shared. When great content is shared, commented on or liked, it is no longer your content alone. It is their content. And user-generated content is trusted more than advertising or promotion.


Echoing my recent talk on the battle for customer attention, Frank explains that “Content is currency — something we trade for our audience’s attention. That currency becomes more valuable every time it’s shared by someone other than ourselves.”


And so he implores us in marketing and business to focus on creating content worth sharing.


Thankfully, the folks at PRWeb, have created this guide to creating content based on a view of the level of customer engagement and the level of company effort to create. It says it is for small business but I think it’s relevant for all businesses. So check it out. And tell me what you think:


Is content marketing the new branding?
Is content marketing the new advertising?
Will marketing simply become synonymous with content marketing?





Via Laurens ten Hagen, Gerrit Bes
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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 3, 2012 8:31 PM

5 Content Marketing Ideas Worth Stealing

5 Content Marketing Ideas Worth Stealing | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Explore some interesting ways to spice up your content marketing with different types of media, like videos, photos, and infographics.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 3, 2012 3:06 PM

11 Tactics to Help Create New Content

11 Tactics to Help Create New Content | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Steve Momorella, owner and founder of TEKGROUP International, addresses the all too common question that almost all marketers are faced with these days: how to find and create the best content for one's audience. In this article, heprovides many methods for putting out great content and finding inspiration for your business's content marketing efforts.

A few of the highlights from his list include:

"Ask those who love you the most." 

  • As Momorella points out, "no one has better things to say about your organization than your existing customers and brand loyalists." To take that a step further, few things are more convicing to prospective customers than hearing about happy current ones.

"Look within."

  • Telling the story of your own company gives your audience a "behind-the-scenes" look at things like where you came from, your goals and visions, and your daily operations. With the increased use of social media for marketing purposes, people want to connect with brands on a more personal level. Letting them know that you're not just a bunch of machines, and rather, a group of people with personalities who want to connect with your customers, makes your brand much more likeable.

"Curate, aggregate, and annotate."

  • Of course, any content marketing advice must contain an answer to the big question: how to I make time for all of this? The answer to not being able to create all of your content is the increasing trend of curation. As Steve says in his post, "Sometimes aggregating a set of valuable content and then offering your own opinions, thoughts and annotations can be useful and help position you as a thought leader in a particular industry."
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Rescooped by Ally Greer from Designer's Resources
October 1, 2012 2:06 PM

5 Effective SEO Tactics That Will Bring You More Traffic - Treehouse

5 Effective SEO Tactics That Will Bring You More Traffic - Treehouse | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it


Here a five core search engine optimization tips that are easy to implement. As always, the key to successful SEO is great, consistent content that your audience will want to read and remember.

SEO gets a lot of bad press, but it's an easy science. Learn how to use internal links, back links, bread crumbs, and content so Google loves your site.

Via Mark Strozier
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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 29, 2012 9:09 PM

How Hospitals Are Hustling as Content Creators

How Hospitals Are Hustling as Content Creators | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Even the healthcare market has entered into the world of content marketing. Believe it or not, according to the Pew Research center, almost 80% of internet users go online for answers to health questions.

Some examples here include:

The Cleveland Clinic's Health Hub, which is a "one-stop shop for health tips and news, videos, physician blogs, expert Q&As and live online chats."  

The Miami Children's Hospital, who launched a YouTube channel featuring video explanations of complex surgeries performed on infants and children with heart defects.

The Childrens Hospital in boston, who created an app designed to make visiting this huge hospital easier and more comfortable for families and patients.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 26, 2012 8:43 PM

5 Judges of Your Content Marketing

5 Judges of Your Content Marketing | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

With all the convincing it takes to get people started in content marketing, it's easy to convince them right back out of it if the content doest seem to be high quality.

There are many different ways to measure the success of a company's content marketing, and though it seems important, their own analysis of it isn't always the best one.

Patrick Murphy of Siliconcloud makes the point that there are 5 important ways to judge the success of your content marketing efforst:

1. Google

If you're appearing in Google when users search for things that should be bringing your company's content up, then you're doing something right.

2. Social Media

If your customers and readers are sharing your content, this demonstrates its value. It is also spread out more and further helps your SEO efforts.

3. Your Target Market

Your content can be shared by anyone in the world, but if it doesn't speak to your target market, then there's probably some rethinking to be done.

4. Mobile Browsers

People are increasingly consuming media on their mobile phones and tablets, so if your content isn't optimized for this, then you're going to have to work on that.

5. Your Staff

Murphy points out that 36% of people say that they wouldn't work for a company with a poor web presence. If your staff believes in your content, it will be more authentic and therefore more successful.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 26, 2012 8:01 PM

3 Ways Content Marketing Makes Every Business Better | Business 2 Community

3 Ways Content Marketing Makes Every Business Better | Business 2 Community | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Jeff Korhan has a point. 

One of the top excuses that businesses are using to convince themselves that they don't need to do content marketing is that it's already been done. It's not uncommon for businesses to think that the content that's relevant to their market has already been written about and put out by others. With the ever-developing Internet, though, this is hardly an excuse at all.

Jeff brings up the great poit that "most problems are chronic and original perspectives are the only way to slowly break them down to develop sustainable solutions." Just beacuse there's content out there, doesn't mean that there isn't anything you can add to it.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 24, 2012 5:51 PM

Content Curation your secret weapon - Drive Traffic & Find New Customers

Content Curation your secret weapon - Drive Traffic & Find New Customers | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Using Content Curation To Find New Customers.

Being an Internet marketer for many years I’ve seen the landscape change many times but one thing has stayed the same “Content is King”, when it comes to driving traffic to a website.

As a business owner we all want to get new customers to our websites. Many have tried blogging to drive traffic to their website and due to a shortage of hours in a day they end up dropping the blog or hiring ghost writers to develop content for the site. We now have a new player on the net and it comes in the form of Content Curation. No it will not completely eliminate business owners creating content for their website but adds a whole new area of content development for a website.

Over the past two years I’ve tested different content curation sites and tools and have found Scoop.it to be the leader in both innovation and traffic building potential.

Below are examples on how Scoop.it can drive traffic and help to show the world, yes the world that your business knows your market.

In this article are 3 areas that when done correctly can drive new traffic to your business or brand.

*** If you would like help setting up a Scoop.it traffic generator for your company. Contact Brian at 1-888-535-9139 or Email Me ideas@marketinghits.com ***

Via Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com
Scooped by Ally Greer
October 19, 2012 2:34 PM

Announcing Apps & ExtrasScoop.it

Announcing Apps & ExtrasScoop.it | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

With the launch of the Apps and Extras page, Scoop.it is becoming more and more of a social media hub. From mobile apps to the awesome Chrome Extension to Bufferapp integration and the slider widget, Scoop.it is constantly making it easier to spread your content from one place.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 18, 2012 1:15 AM

The Why, What and How of Content Marketing

The Why, What and How of Content Marketing | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it
Content is truly the key ingredient in successful online and offline marketing strategies. There are three things to consider when you are putting together a content strategy.
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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 16, 2012 7:59 PM

What Red Bull Can Teach Content Marketers

What Red Bull Can Teach Content Marketers | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

According to Brian Morrissey, Red Bull is "the Coke of the shareable content era, willing to spend freely to produce content so good that it is indistinguishable from non-marketing content; Red Bull truly is a media company that happens to sell soft drinks."

It's clear that Red Bull sealed the deal on this classification last weekend with the 24 mile freefall jump of Felix Baumgartner. The most important takeaways from the Red Bull content marketing strategy?

1. Content at the center.

Make sure that your brand is getting the most content out of an evet that they possibly can: don't only focus on the end event but the buildup as well.

2. Stay on Brand.

While making sure that your content isn't only about selling your brand, it's also important not to lose sight of the message you're trying to get out there.

3. Take Risks.

Not fake ones, either.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 11, 2012 9:00 PM

Storytelling: why most content marketing plans fail

Storytelling: why most content marketing plans fail | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

"What good is having a content marketing plan if it doesn't create leads and sales for you?"

Jeff Molander, professional speaker, published, and accomplished entrepreneur, talks about the importance not only of teling stories via content, but by creating confidence within your readers.

It's important to keep in mind that your readers aren't just an audience with whom you are sharing content (and hoping that they'll reshare it), but they are your potential customers. Telling a great story may make people aware of your brand, but they aren't going to do anything about it unless you make them feel 100% that what happened in that great success story can happen to them too.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 4, 2012 8:00 PM

SMBs using news content, social media marketing appeal to mobile audiences

SMBs using news content, social media marketing appeal to mobile audiences | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Now that over half of the American population owns smartphones, it's not surprising that these people are reading more content. The problem with mobile used to be that people weren't reading content on the go, which is frankly the state in which most people exist.

With the rise of smartphones and tablets, almost two thirds of the population says that they're reading new content and news articles every day on their mobile devices. This is a huge opportunity for content marketers because writing content is something that will reach all of these mobile users while still reaching desktop users as well.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 3, 2012 8:42 PM

Just 38% of companies have a content marketing strategy: report

Just 38% of companies have a content marketing strategy: report | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Econsultancy editor Graham Charlton provides an analysis of an interesting study conducted by Econsultancy about the importance of content marketing.

Perhaps the most surprising statistic to come out of this study is that, while 90% of respondents believe that contant marketing will get much bigger within the next year, only a mere 38% of those companies actually have a content marketing strategy in place. Hopefully this number will be more than twice as large at this time next year, because almost three quarters of the respondents claimed that they believe brands are becoming publishers.

Following along with much of what we already know, the study found that the top three reasons for using content marketing include increase engagement, increased traffic to the brand's website, and increased brand awareness.

Marker Racing's comment, October 7, 2012 12:28 PM
Scooped by Ally Greer
October 3, 2012 3:18 PM

Writing Versus Content Curation for Personal Branding Success

Writing Versus Content Curation for Personal Branding Success | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

Upon exploring the pros and cons of Content Creation (writing) versus Content Curation, a lightbulb went off in my head. This article makes the two seem like opposites, while really, they should be working well together.

In the curation section, the author talks about sites like Paper.li and explains one of the cons to be that there isn't much room for personalization and distinguishing your brand. That's beacuse Paper.li is an aggregator, rather than a content curation tool. With a content curation tool, you can reap the benefits of curation (including saving time and sharing many ideas) while also writing and distinguishing yourself from all the other brands or people out there sharing the same content.

Though there are certain pros to writing that can't be matched by curation, there are many ways to personalize your curation with design and point of view that bring much more value to the table than simple aggregation.

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Scooped by Ally Greer
October 3, 2012 2:34 PM

In the Social Media Era, Content is Again King

In the Social Media Era, Content is Again King | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

The new LinkedIn Content Platform is an appropriate place for this article. Although it doesn't exactly share anything that we didn't already know, it gives an intersting angle on the importance of providing content of value. With valuable content, you aren't only going to reach your audience and make an impact on them, but you are also going to give them the desire to share your content to their networks, and so on.

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