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Rescooped by Guillaume Decugis from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
November 10, 2014 11:43 AM

How to Create Awesome Infographics Without Being a Designer

How to Create Awesome Infographics Without Being a Designer | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

In this blog post, I’m going to introduce you to three awesome tools to create the best infographics, tell you how to use them AND how you can share your infographics in different channels all over the web. So, let’s get started!

Via Jeff Domansky
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

We've tried Piktochart ourselves and it's a really neat tool for that purpose: intuitive and without much to learn, it takes a limited amount of time to deliver something good enough to share. A good series of lean content tools. 

Gust MEES's curator insight, December 31, 2014 9:51 AM

If you’re anything like me, you learned how to use programs like Photoshop and Gimp out of necessity to do minor changes to photos. You might have even dabbled in some easier graphic design projects for your own website, but it takes you hours to get the image or the design looking just right and you’re left exhausted. You might even spend time looking up tutorials on how to achieve a certain effect and still have trouble re-creating it.

In short, while you do know your way around the programs like Photoshop to a certain extent, it takes you forever and there’s absolutely no way you’d call yourself a graphic designer. But then, you’re surfing around the web and you noticed some really cool infographics on things like fashion, music and food and you can’t help but wish that you could create something like that; even if it’d take you a week....

Learn more:


Michelle Gilstrap's curator insight, December 31, 2014 4:02 PM

Always good to have a way to create good designs.

Nedko Aldev's curator insight, February 4, 2015 3:11 PM

add your insight...

Rescooped by Guillaume Decugis from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
August 21, 2014 11:46 AM

Infographics are easier than you think with these free tools

Infographics are easier than you think with these free tools | Lean content marketing | Scoop.it

...The only problem is, infographics that look like they were simple to make are often anything but. Creating something beautiful and instantly understandable in Photoshop is often beyond the limits that time allows. Which is why it's occasionally useful to use a quick and dirty infographics tool to speed up the process.

We've selected our favourites here. They're all free, or offer free versions. Let us know which ones you get on best with...

Via Jeff Domansky
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

A picture is worth 1,000 words, right? But not everyone is a designer and can make an impact with a nicely crafted infographics. That is unless you use some of these lean content tools to create an infographic from pre-defined, easily modifiable templates. Note that the premium version of these tools - we use PiktoChart at Scoop.it and shared some results here - is likely to be necessary to get a professional result. 

Jane's curator insight, August 21, 2014 6:50 PM

Some really useful looking tools 

Miklos Szilagyi's curator insight, August 22, 2014 4:26 AM

I know nothing about this but it looks like a good starting point...:-)))

Luis Cano's curator insight, August 23, 2014 4:02 PM

Herramientas de Infograficas ...

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