AIR STUPID FRESNO! - Airsoft and a LASER target Fresno Police Department Helicopter! - BUSTED! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"...Air-1 pilots directed the officers to the east side of 7078 N. San Pablo as the subject continued targeting the helicopter cockpit with the green laser light. Officers located and arrested Johnny Quenga, 28, in the front yard of the residence. The laser device was also located and secured it as evidence with was a replica military airsoft M-4 .223 caliber assault style rifle with an attached laser scope.

Johnny also was monitoring the police radio channels over his cellular phone “App” when he was arrested.

Johnny Quenga was charged with willful discharge of a laser at an occupied aircraft. Johnny Quenga was booked at the Fresno County Jail for the related offense...."