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ASG and CYBERGUN (Plus others…) Fighting for Airsoft in EU!

ASG and CYBERGUN (Plus others…) Fighting for Airsoft in EU! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
ASG and CYBERGUN (Plus others...) Fighting for Airsoft in EU!
Thumpy Covey's insight:

There is A LOT more going on behind-the-scenes in the European Union than this simple press release might suggest.  We'd also point you to the great posts coming from the UK Airsoft Players Union (UKAPU Website HERE & FACEBOOK Link HERE) and guys like Matt Furey-King to get a more well-rounded perspective.  None-the-less, STAY FROSTY and HEAD ON A SWIVEL EU Players!  The fight is far from over, the battle not-yet won!

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Change at the top for the EAA - Facebook

Change at the top for the EAA - Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“Hello everyone, Matt here, posting one last time to let you know that I’ve stood down as President (minutes of that meeting will be on our website soon). I’m sad to do so as it’s been great fun, I’ve met so many positive like minded people from across the continent, and it’s a very exciting period for the association. Unfortunately, I’m just not able to commit enough time to the EAA to lead airsoft through the crisis we are facing with the EU proposal, the reclassification of replicas as cat C firearms.

The good news is that Joachim Dekkers has been elected by the committee as my replacement. Joachim is an experienced lobbyist, was one of the founders of the EAA and was head of the NABV. He’s got some big plans going forward and I believe he is the man we need right now.

I wish Joachim the best of luck and I will continue to support him as the UKAPU representative on the committee. Many thanks to the players throughout Europe who have supported the EAA throughout the last 4 years I’ve been President. I feel like the barriers are breaking down very quickly and we are becoming one huge community. Our battles against the worst aspects of the mass media and opportunist illiberal politicians, and our love of replicas and airsoft gaming is universal. Retail seems to be less restricted by national borders too.

I shouldn’t need to remind you that the EU attack on replicas is still hanging in the balance, 2016 could be the year airsoft finishes in Europe. But in the words of Margaret Mead; Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Hope to catch some of you at IWA or Airsoft Wars Lizard later in the year.

Kind Regards,
Matt Furey-King
Ex-President European Airsoft Association …”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Crucial timing but a solid transition for the EAA….we know Matt, Joachim and the gang will continue their fight against burdensome regulations that threaten the game ‘over there’  and we are here to help them as they’ve done for all of us, too!

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More on the EU Airsoft AIR STUPID plan- Video from the EAA & Matt Furey-King

More on the EU Airsoft AIR STUPID plan- Video from the EAA & Matt Furey-King | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“Link to full article…

The EU is voting on whether to implement a proposal which will really hurt airsoft and other parts of the firearms community….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Our buddy Matt Furey-King puts some more perspective on the proposed AIR STUPID European Union ‘trial balloon’ being floated to have all airsofters register their replicas as if they were actual firearms or face criminal penalties…all in the name of fighting terrorism. 

AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT CRIMINALS and AIRSOFT IS NOT THE PROBLEM!…CLICK THE PIC or Matt’s link to the EAA Facebook Page for the full details and a STEP BY STEP list of things you need to do now to fight this!

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Airsoft SAFE in Europe! – EAA and Matt Furey-King

Airsoft SAFE in Europe! – EAA and Matt Furey-King | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“…As you should be aware, since November last year the EU has been considering a proposal to amend the firearms directive which would classify replicas, including airsoft devices, as real firearms. They also wanted to ban any firearm of ‘military appearance’.

The result would be that nearly all airsoft devices would fall foul of the law and be banned from use by the public, and the few types that would be allowed would be extremely difficult for people to obtain and had to be registered individually. The authors of the proposal set out to get rid of replicas and thereby wipe out airsoft in the whole of Europe. We were looking at airsoft armageddon.

The European Airsoft Association was founded specifically to react to such a threat. Over the last 5 months we have done everything possible to save airsoft….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

BREAKING NEWS from the EU and our buddy, the hardest-working man in Airsoft not-on-this-particular-continent…MATT FUREY-KING!  We jest, but the update posted over on the EAA’s site is amazing!  Airsoft..,SAFE FOR NOW, and in even a better political and support-position that before the ‘scare of ’16 got started!  READ IT ALL AT THIS LINK…after the teaser here…and CLICK THAT PIC to see if you can send Matthew and the gals/guys a note of thanks over on their FB Site, too!


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AIRSOFT DEAD IN EUROPE? - Fight the NUCLEAR OPTION - Operation MEP | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“This is how we fight back and keep airsoft alive in Europe.…

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Our Buddy MATT FUREY-KING’s face tells the story in this short video. NO ACTION to get your viewpoint out to your MEP – that’s your Member of European Parliament – or, seriously, a reclassification could NO LIE KILL AIRSOFT IN THE EU and BEYOND!  Listen to MFK’s short video below and CLICK THAT BANNER or his link to do your part to save Airsoft from the “Nuclear Option” that’s being proposed to kill your game!

“This is how we fight back and keep airsoft alive in Europe.…

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ALERT FOR EU 'SOFTERS - ACT NOW!  FIGHT NOW! - via NL AIRSOFT | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
Thumpy Covey's insight:

Our Buddy SLICK AXE over at NL Airsoft is sounding the alarm on one of the most AIR STUPID regulations we’ve ever heard of.

CLICK THE PIC to read the full details and get links for your official comments to be registered with the European Union…but in a nut-shell a proposal has been pushed forward to REQUIRE COMPULSORY REGISTRATION OF AIRSOFT GUNS AS FIREARMS!

Seriously.  Is this the best you can do EU at a time of crisis?  If I was in Europe, I’d be seriously pissed even if I was not an airsofter…but you guys who have the RIGHT to play need to stand up now for ALL YOUR RIGHTS!  AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT CRIMINALS…and they don’t need to be made into criminals at a time when resources are stretched so thin to take the wolves out of the midst of law-abiding people around the world!   DO.  THIS.  NOW!

To stay up on the latest in this fight, you can also FOLLOW NL AIRSOFT’s FB FAN PAGE for threads discussing the tactics for this fight, too!  And it won’t hurt in the least to share this around the globe, too!

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