"After being captured by Daniel and barely escaping an harrowing fate, Bob the Axe Man learns of the Empire's plan to transport nuclear material through Delta 14 and mobilizes his forces to intercept the Imperial Convoy to stop their plans. Will the Rebels be able to stop the Imperial Forces or will the Empire come out victorious?

Rebel Objective: Prevent the Imperial Convoy from crossing the river and assault the enemy HQ.

Imperial Objective: Escort nuclear material across the river and assault the enemy HQ.

BB Wars Episode 1: A New Dawn took place at D14 in Sanger, Texas which hosted a MASSIVE +550 player airsoft game. Special thanks to D14, KWA, Bioval, and Jag Precision for helping to make this event possible, stay tuned for more parts coming soon!

D14: http://www.d14airsoft.com/
KWA: www.kwausa.com
Jag Precision: http://jagprecision.com/..."