Why should K-12 Education CIOs and Technology Directors be on Twitter? Part 1 | Social Media and its influence | Scoop.it

Huffington Post blogger Vala Afshar (@valaafshar) recently published a piece called "The 50 Most Social CIOs on Twitter (and 20 Rising Stars)." I was honored and surprised to be included on the list as #9 and pleased to see K-12 CIOS @JDSCIO and @bengrey also on the list. (I can think of several K-12 technology leaders who also should have been included - feel free to add your suggestions in the comments below!)


In his post, Afshar shares his thoughts about why CIOs should be on Twitter and links to other blog posts on the topic.  Based on my experiences, I decided to share some reasons that K-12 Education CIOs and Technology Directors should be on Twitter.