4 Social Consumer Segments To Watch | Marketing_me | Scoop.it

As social media evolves, marketers realize that a social presence is no longer an option, but a necessity. Many have noticed a disconnect, however, between consumer reach provided by social media and actual, quantifiable customer acquisition
and return on investment.


Recent research by The Incyte Group provides unprecedented insight into four major consumer segments that are researching your brand online and more importantly the best ways you can reach them.

The implications of the findings are not a one size fits all solution for social engagement.


Rather, the research provides insight into four consumer segments that can have a major impact on your social strategy if you understand what motivates them.


The e-book “The Who's Who Of Consumer Segments, an Analysis of 4 Consumer Segments and the Way They Use Online Communities to Make Buying Decisions” examines the characteristics of unique market segments that are likely to join customer communities, and discuss how you can best leverage your social media strategy to connect with each in a meaningful, valuable way. http://bit.ly/QHyxy3

Check out the Infographic to get a sense of who these consumers are, how they research products and services, and what motivates them.


Source. http://bit.ly/WKT89B

Via maxOz