Emerging Technologies Shaping the Health IT Landscape and How They Contribute to Improving Patient Outcomes and Healthcare Delivery | BUY WEGOVY | Scoop.it

The world of healthcare is ever-evolving. We are learning and growing every day, which means we are also coming up with new ideas, technologies, and practices every day.



what emerging technologies in Health IT are currently shaping the landscape,

and how do they contribute to improved patient outcomes and healthcare delivery?


This Healthcare IT today's article has a collection of opinions from people from the ever growing digital health community.


includes thoughts like

- proactive patient communication and automated text updates for patient approved people


- using adaptive AI for patient communication


- using AI in billing to bring about a fairness to costs


- using ambient documentation to improve patient provider connections in the presence of an EHR


- use of digital therapeutics


amongst others


read the article at






Via nrip