Laughing to Cayo on a Chicken Bus in Belize | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

While the Hi Et hostel is mentioned, this article highligts the trip to Cayo on the bus.

"The bus from Belize City to San Ignacio costs $7 bzd ($3.50 US)...We choose to travel this way. We could certainly afford traveling otherwise, but for us the value is in the experience not the dollars spent. And for now, this is the experience we choose.

We want to live in Belize, experience Belize, not just observe Belize."


Well said.

"We roll past nicely maintained little plots of land with cows grazing, a few homes that look like estates and then more typical homes of Belize. I like this Belize. It’s varied and abundant. We pass TeaKettle Village, where we buy our organic produce, more citrus fields and a large field full of papaya trees. The land is flat with a few patchwork lots that have remained ‘jungly’, but the land here is mainly farmland surrounded by hills."