Inclusive Linkage Project Design Workshop | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Inclusive Linkage Project promotes tourism development in Cayo and the border zone through capacity building and the establishment of strategic alliances.  Beltraide held a workshop in San Antonio for just that.


"The objectives of this project are to implement plans to improve and promote sustainability of the production linkage.  Under this component, technical assistance is being provided to groups in the border zone to strengthen the business support to women and youth involved in the Value chain of Tourism in the border zone.  Five groups benefited with the development of their business plan and capacity building in management skills.  As a continuity of this component, four groups will receive technical assistance and consulting service for the design and development of new products.  The purpose of the is to expand their current craft productions, through product diversification, according to its technical and productive capacity as well as in agreement to the trends and demands of the domestic and international market, without losing their culture iconography."