2017 Travelers' Choice Awards | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

TripAdvisor's 2017 Travelers' Choice Awards are out, and not only did Belize have 4 spots on the list, but Vanilla Hills, located in beautiful Bullet Tree Falls took 1st place in 'B&B's' for all of Central America!  The Inn at Twin Palms, located in Belmopan, came in at 17.  Sleeping Giant took 5th in the 'Small Hotels' category while Ka'ana took 21st.  


Clarissa Falls took 5th and Black Rock took 8th in the 'Bargain' category.  Sleeping Giant also took 2nd for Service and 6th for Romance.  Ka'ana was also 9th in Romance.


Congratulations to all the amazing winners!