Australian Argues Ambergris | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Funny of the day.  'An Aussie Strikes Back,' very comically, at Ambergris being named the best island in the world by Trip Advisor.  Classic!

"Hang on, hang on – as a loyal reader of the Chaa Creek Belize Travel Blog, I just read your recent post about Ambergris Caye being voted by this mob calling themselves Trip Advisor as the best island in the world. Fair enough, the place is lovely. Stunning in fact.  In the post they do rabbit on about the Belize Great Barrier Reef, and as a fair dinkum Aussie you’ll forgive me for being partial to our own Great Barrier Reef, but to each their own, live and let live, I say.  And, to be honest, both reefs are pretty similar, ours just being a tad bigger.  But then, not a few clicks later I come across an online Travel Weekly article, “Australia snubbed in islands awards” and you could have knocked me over with a feather."