Potentialist Tour in Cayo | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Thursday and Friday, the Motivational Missionaries Potentialist Motivational Tour will be in Cayo.  They'll be in Belmopan on Thursday, and at the San Ignacio Resort Hotel on Friday.    The Energizing Youth Entrepreneur Workshop will be on the 23rd in Belmopan.  Go out, and get motivated.




"A group of high powered motivational speakers are in the country.  They will be making presentations for hundreds of young people in the upcoming week.  Bert Oliva and Robin Kirk along with their team will be touring the country holding motivational sessions.  These sessions will be conducted under the theme -The Potentialist- and focuses on finding an individual's true potential.  Today the crew stopped by our studios to share more with us."