Buena Vista Gets Safe Water System | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Feelgood news of the day.  The ROWKIDS, with Low Country Community Church, are back in Belize, and they installed another safe water system.  This time, they went to Buena Vista village, which recently got a new school building.  Thanks, ROWKIDS, for providing safe water to another 3 villages that needed it.


"Today was the first day of work.  We all set out early at 8:00 to head to Buena Vista, our host town.  It was smooth sailing until we hit the towns lovely pot hole filled roads, then the adventure started.  The school was updated, and slightly modern, but still held its own personality.  We were met by the children with open hearts and open arms.  In true amazement that someone would devote even a moment of their lives to them.  The building was almost completely finished, just needing an inner wall for storage and a sink for sanitization.  We started our day with finishing the end of the stucco on the backside of the building."