Hurricanes to Blow into Belize | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Belmopan Bandits are hosting the Houston Hurricanes tomorrow night for an international friendly game.  It'll be at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium, and it starts at 7:30pm. 

"Hurricanes head Coach Brendan Keyes said I have been working on this game for a while now so for it to be confirmed today was worth all the hard talks we had.  It's a great experience to travel over seas for the lads, myself and I look forward to see some beautiful places in Belize and mix with the locals.  Team Captain Jorge Vela will make the trip after getting the good news today getting his papers and making him eligible to travel.  I can't wait to play the Bandits Vela said with a big smile, it's great that Coach Keyes can get us these types of games."