Google Forest Watch | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Interesting article of the day.  The Cayo Tour Guide Association has a new article out entitled 'Falling Trees,' and it's all about how Google has aggregated data that shows how deforestation has occurred around the world, and Belize.  Global Forest Watch is interesting, to say the least.

"This now leads me to Google, yes the big fat giant that is on everyone’s PC or on mobile devices these days, which has developed a new way to monitor deforestation worldwide, combing data for the past twelve years.  Using services they already have, like google earth and maps you can monitor deforestation in almost real time, a technology that is still is in its beta form meaning it will only improve from here.  They are calling it Global Forest Watch.  The browser program uses layers to show areas of deforestation and also areas of regeneration worldwide including Belizean forests.  Tweaking around, you can highlight protected areas and layers also show satellite and terrain images.  In some areas, logging and mining can also be shown.  The data is from 2001 up to 2012 so last year’s activity is not visible just yet. "