Cayo Cultural Chess Championship | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The East Cayo Chess Association had their Cultural Chess Championship, and it's great to see such an interest in the classis strategic game.

"This last Saturday, November 16th, the Cultural Day chess championship was held and it went very well.  There were a couple dozen participants and the tournament directors – Alfred, Akeem and Javier – made sure that the tournament ran smoothly.  There were other volunteers that provided arts/craft activities, cooked food for sale, drove participants to the tournament and just provide help when needed.  There are too many names to mention everyone individually but your contributions helped and are very appreciated. 

Finally, no matter how much volunteer help is available, there is still a need for funds to pay for things necessary to run the tournament.  We would like to thank everyone who contributed funds, especially Sagicor and Atlantic Bank.  Without your help this tournament would have been very difficult to do.  If you would like to get a visual of how the day went look at the pictures that are available."