Eco Kids Learn Bio Waste Management | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Eco Kids learned about the 3 R's.  Chaa Creek's Senior Naturalist Guide and waste management expert Brion Young informed the kids about reducing, reusing, and recycling.  Then, FCD's youth group came in and they made a garbage can out of plastic bottles.  Great lessons for the Eco Kids.


"During our arts and crafts time, the eco-campers were lucky enough to receive a visit from the youth ambassadors of the Friends for Conservation and Development.  The highlight of their visit was a chance to participate in the making of a plastic bottle garbage can. The basic concept here is that instead of throwing away empty bottles, one can make a very cool and functional trash bin.  Using a re-bar outline, the campers attached rows of four bottles through wires from the top to the bottom of the structure.  After there were enough rows to complete the circle, they were left with a unique place to store their full bags of trash (see the pictures at the end for an image).  The youth ambassadors also brought in jewelry and accessories they had made out of old bottle caps, and gave a talk on the importance of conservation in Chiquibul.  As one of our eco-campers pointed out, “when you destroy the forests, you are destroying us!”  Clearly the messages of the camp are getting through to the youth."