Hot Mama's Hot Website | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Hot Mama's, hot sauce made in Cayo, got a new website.  It looks smooth, and the flames the appear when you navigate are a great touch.  Well done, Belize Internet Marketing and Website Design. 

"Typical Belizean hot pepper sauce – only with a twist (blended instead of chopped).  Belizeans love their hot pepper sauce and they have it with every meal.  Walk into any home or restaurant and it is readily available right there on the table.  Made with fresh vegetables such as carrots, onions, garlic, selected red habanero peppers, and mixed with the right combination of lime juice and vinegar.  Hot Mama's is sure there is a hot sauce with the correct amount of heat just for you!  Most importantly to note ---- no preservatives!"