Basic Blog Tips
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How Experts Make Money Blogging? - Interview

Ileane Smith:

#1: How do you Drive Traffic to your Blog?

First I focus on providing valuable and relevant content, otherwise I’d be fighting a losing battle. On top of that I use some basic SEO like creating a sitemap, submitting my site to Webmaster Tools, and implementing Google Authorship. Social networks play a big role in sending traffic to my blog as well. Here are a few of the networks that I use and recommend: Blog Engage, BizSugar, Triberr, Social Buzz Club, Just Retweet and Viral Content Buzz. Many of the posts on my blog are guest posts and I’m very appreciative of the role those authors play in promoting their content which contribute greatly to the overall traffic profile.

#2: How do you Monetize your Blog?

I’m not really big on monetization, although I do a little just to cover the costs of keeping the blog running. I use affiliate marketing and Google AdSense. Most of the AdSense income is generated on my YouTube channel right now since I scaled back on using it so much on the blog.

One strategy I’ve used successfully is to create YouTube video tutorials that help my audience understand how to use a product and what actual benefits they can expect. I think this works well because most product developers concentrate on promoting their product’s benefits but often they fail to mention the pitfalls or demonstrate real-life  outcomes.

#3: What are some of the other Blogging Strategies you got?

One thing I get questions about all the time from new bloggers is about using AdSense and making money with their blogs. I see a real problem with that approach and it’s one of the reasons so many blogs die in the first few months. I invest a great deal of my time networking and building relationships with other bloggers and it is something that I’ve done from the start. Blogging is hard work and it involves constant research and outreach. It’s not just - throwing up some rehashed content and a bunch of AdSense ads.

#4: What do you Suggest to all those ambitious Bloggers out here?

You have to find a balance between consuming content and creating it. Put your own personal touch to any bit of information you find out there and do your own tests to back up your findings. Don’t look for “gurus” to tell you exactly how they do things and then try to replicate them. Be yourself and you’ll find that is what people really want to connect with.

Harsh Agrawal's comment, October 6, 2013 1:53 PM
Hey Amal
Thanks for reaching out and for the interview. Here are my answers:

1# How do you Drive Traffic to your Blog?

I mostly rely on organic traffic and social-media traffic. 80% of my blog traffic is from Search engines, and most referred site traffic is Facebook. Along with it, web mention sends me more quality traffic, which has better avg. time on site and less bounce rate,

#2: How do you Monetize your Blog?
I follow few methods to monetize my blog, and always play with new monetization network on different blogs. I have shared a detailed post on how I make money from shoutmeloud over here: . To sum it up:

Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing adds the most in term of revenue. I promote those online marketing and blogging products which I personally use or like.
Blog Consultancy and WordPress SEO : These are two services which I offer to other bloggers. Usually I do 1-2 consultancy session a month.
AdSense: One of the best network for recurring income and quality ads.
Viglink: This one I use on my tech sites to make money from outbound links. An interesting ad network.

#3: What are some of the other Blogging Strategies you got?
My content marketing is always targeted for readers and traffic. I follow a rule of 30-70, where 30% of content in a month will be written for driving traffic from search engine (ex: List posts such as top 10, best of) .. And rest are targeted for bloggers to learn new stuff.
Youtube : I have been video blogging from more than a year, and it helps me to build better relation with my readers. I usually cover tutorials or new interesting websites which is useful for bloggers on my Youtube video channel.

#4: What do you Suggest to all those ambitious Bloggers out here?

Always remember " There is no excuse for failure", if you not reaching out there, that means you are not doing something right.
Have a proper goal, strategy, business plan for your blog.
Most important learn a new thing every day.
Work a lot on getting your basics right, and focus on learn search engine and social media optimization.
Do remember, promoting your content is as important as writing a high-quality content.
Last but not the least: Be natural and let your blog reflect your personality.
Adam C's comment, October 6, 2013 6:17 PM
No problem Amal!

Thanks Ileane, you too! :)
Amal Rafeeq's comment, October 7, 2013 9:36 PM
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