Modern Marketing: There Isn’t Just One View of the Funnel - MarketBridge | 21st Century Public Relations |


1. Program Focus (Top graphic)

With the program focus funnel, especially if you are leveraging marketing automation, you are trying to map back specific programs and content to specific personas in the specific stages of this funnel.


2. Operations Focus (Middle graphic)

As you can see with the operations focus funnel, the considerations change. The focus is on processes, not programs. Some key processes to note with this funnel are fast tracking, lead scoring, qualification stages, and lead recycling. No matter how you set up your operational funnel, you want to have a fast track path to sales. The sales team does not want to feel that qualified leads are being held up in Marketing. Lead scoring is simple to set up in marketing automation but hard to master. The same white paper could be downloaded by someone just collecting information or someone ready to close. How do you score it? Keep revisiting and adjusting your lead scoring on at least a quarterly basis.


3. Buyer’s Focus (Bottom graphic)

Some look at the above graphic and call it a buyer’s journey. It is—but it is a buyer’s journey through the funnel. Too many marketers overlook these distinct buyer’s actions as they plan campaigns and programs through the funnel. You must map specific content to these specific actions if you want to see specific results. The content that you would send out at the “Committing to change” stage should be different than that content going out at the “Justifying the decision” stage. Always take a moment and consider the buyer’s journey through the funnel as you plan and create your marketing initiatives.



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Via Marteq