The New CMO: How to calculate your value - B2B News Network | 21st Century Public Relations |
Instead of the percentage-of-revenue ask and the marketing minutiae with no connection to revenue, consider using these two budget analyses as the set pieces in your strategic marketing plan: 1) value-per-lead (VPL), and 2) gross margin on marketing (GMM).

VPL is a unique twist on the more common cost-per-lead that online advertisers have been charging for years. Its power lies in the way it can change the perception of marketing from a cost center to a value center. A cost per lead is something a company pays out but VPL is what you’ll be bringing in to the company. To calculate the VPL, divide revenue by the number of leads generated (both over a defined period). If revenue was $1,000,000 and marketing generated 500 leads, the VPL was $2,000.

To determine GMM, divide the total marketing spend by the number of leads generated and subtract it from the VPL. If the total marketing spend was $50,000, marketing spend per lead was $100 and GMM per lead was $1,900 or about 95 percent.

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Via Marteq