Arabella Santiago, Marketing and Communications Director at, about the - according to her - 5 key steps in a content strategy that works.
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Arabella DeLucco's curator insight,
April 18, 2013 3:15 PM
Insightful look at product marketing from a startup founder's perspective by our very own Guillaume Decugis.
Nat Sones's curator insight,
April 18, 2013 6:11 AM
If you have answers for all ten of these, in any customer journey, then you're ahead of almost everyone and likely to meet users, customers and audiences the right way.
Michiel Gaasterland's curator insight,
April 13, 2013 3:06 PM
Useful Infrographic on... how to choose which infographic is right for you. Quite helpful to access format. You'd still have to come up with the contentS i.e. The Messaging - yourself though!
Daniel Jimenez Zulic's curator insight,
April 30, 2013 12:17 AM
Un interesante y breve articulo, que sugiere un diagrama de flujo para definir cual es la forma grafica mas util para presentar una informacion. Creo que nos puede ser especialmente util a los profes.
Daniel Jimenez Zulic's curator insight,
April 30, 2013 1:01 AM
wow!!! me gustaria ser la mitad de organizado para poder seleccionar los materiales dignos de twittear...pero me imagino que incluye mucho de arte, practica, un metodo estudiado y las buenas aplicaciones que lo facilitan todo...pero usadas de manera muy inteligente y disciplinada. Un metodo brillante y productivo.
Lyonel Kaufmann's curator insight,
October 15, 2013 12:05 PM
Un témoignage et une méthode de gestion de l'information issue de twitter. La méthode est basée sur la méthode GTD. Allan Johnson recourt à twitter, pocket et buffer. C'est son choix. A chacun de trouver le sien de le traitement et le conservation de l'information.
Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight,
March 18, 2013 2:14 PM
This is pretty much true for any social media endeavor, including blogs. You aren't engaging when you are shouting (or mumbling) "Me! Me! Me!"
Juannean Young's curator insight,
March 20, 2013 10:21 AM
Was there a time when life seemed to make promises of hope and success? What happend? Did your dreams coming running to you with open arms or have you felt like your dream words no longer have a bond?
Only thinking about yourself is a great way to Fail.
One of the largest battles that we deal with is the need seemingly have the most "love", the fight to be on top. Many of us see others living a life that we want and think that cutting eachother is the way to get an available seat. Once we realize that the same feelings that you have are the same feelings that I have. The same desire to be accepted that you may have, I've also shared. We all share the want for true freedom. They best way to get what you want is to supply that same need to someone else with your best intent. The world really can change. We just must first take the brave step to be the change we wish to see. Once we become change, the box that once contained our hope can be broken and our dreams will then have room to become reality.
Joshua OCock's comment,
March 12, 2013 7:39 AM
A truly fantastic post. Provides simple and effective calls to action for social media success and impact.
Teresa Levy's curator insight,
March 12, 2013 3:13 PM
good question. When I go to twitter there is always a proble
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight,
February 11, 2013 7:05 PM
I caught Guillaume's radio talk today about Lean Content Marketing and think he and are on to something. Feel like a movement to me so I wrote about it on Atlantic BT's blog: |
BEST-CAEXI 's curator insight,
May 2, 2013 7:48 PM
Vos efforts de marketing en ligne: Comtes SEO, mais la qualité règne en maître - Forbes
Nat Sones's comment,
April 18, 2013 6:11 AM
Loving your curation and magazine. This is a lovely piece - thanks.
Randy Bauer's curator insight,
April 13, 2013 12:37 PM
Eyes wide open for trends and changes in digital marketing. "I think it's time to hire a digital marketer for my small business physical therapy and wellness practice", Randy Bauer
Guillaume Decugis's comment,
April 8, 2013 11:36 AM
Hey! Sorry just got back: great post Jonathon! Just stumbled on your SlideShare deck on "what I carry" : great read to start a week! Thanks.
Gael Chatellier's curator insight,
March 19, 2013 12:33 PM
Un très bon post sur 3 mythes du marketing de contenu par Lee Olden : Mythe # 1 : Le marketing de contenu c'est créé plus de contenu Mythe # 2 : Le contenu de valeur a une courte durée de vie Mythe #3 : Le contenu ne vit qu'une fois
Two Pens's curator insight,
March 5, 2013 11:16 AM
Via Ally Greer, whos got good taste. The tip from UserVoice on creating content is the emphasis on getting your customers to tell stories about how they use your product or service. If they love you, their enthusiasm in the stories they tell comes across.
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment,
February 12, 2013 4:17 PM
Thanks guys. Not just anyone can pull off the power marketing necessary to find and support a movement. You can and I think you've found a powerful future trend. Thanks for a great and inspiring radio talk. Marty
Teresa Levy's curator insight,
March 12, 2013 3:16 PM
Lexie Ruscheinski's curator insight,
November 17, 2014 10:15 PM
I really enjoyed how they touched on stereotypes vs. demographics. What we think appeals to our audience could possibly be offensive or overdone. When I read this article it opened my eyes to the thin line between what demographic companies are targeting and what is actually the truth. For example, our society today believes all teenage girls are into Pumpkin Spice Lattes form Starbucks, when in reality there is a good portion of females who truly dislike anything to do with Pumpkin Spice. Other companies are lead to believe it is more widely received based on how it is advertised in their stores and social media when they make fun of "common white girls". |